Do they sell fully automatic husbands there? I could use the lifetime guarantee. I would like to upgrade.
p.s. Love your toy, but all those buttons scare me.
Edited by - Been There on 24 November 2002 5:53:39
i see lots of people posting threads about their new toys.
mostly male, trucks, motorcycles stuff like that.
this afternoon while making lattes for mulan and big red, my espresso machine became quite rude with me.
Do they sell fully automatic husbands there? I could use the lifetime guarantee. I would like to upgrade.
p.s. Love your toy, but all those buttons scare me.
Edited by - Been There on 24 November 2002 5:53:39
yup, .
i have a cleaning lady because i had surgery on my left arm and i have a cast.
i hired her because i thought i could trust her.
A thief is a thief! One with out GUILT is the worst kind of thief. Okay, it's the thought that counts with grandma right? Tradition? Go to the store, buy some good blackberry jam, put it in your jars, cook them a few minutes to seal them. You can't get your jam back but you can still give grandma some jam from you and it shouldn't be too hard on your arm. Better yet make the sweet (puke) hubby come over and do it while you tell him how, make him buy the jam too. Grandma will love you just as much, and only you have to know. Not quite the same but it is a solution.
to my secret gift getter, be looking for a package come monday or you all have to figure out who it is, cause i ain't tellin .
Me a tease? Who just answered the door in his birthday suit?
to my secret gift getter, be looking for a package come monday or you all have to figure out who it is, cause i ain't tellin .
To my secret gift getter, be looking for a package come Monday or Tuesday..........Now you all have to figure out who it is, cause I ain't tellin
help--my daughter is pregnant by a disfellowshipped jw.
he has recently been re-attending meetings and has decided to get reinstated.
he told my daughter that the relationship is off because it would be too difficult to have a relationship between a jw and her(holidays, family etc.
What age are we talking about? Teens? 20s?
Sounds like he is feeling guilt about the relationship and possibly even pressure from family to return.
I say gather info (the truth about the "Truth") on this site and others to show him and make him think about weather or not he wants to return. This is a good time since his faith is shaky. Be sure they come to an agreement (in writting) before the baby comes if your daughter does not believe in the blood issue. He will not allow it if needed, so your grandbaby's life could be at stake sometime.
we moved to a new area, bought a house in the country to be closer to cc's office.
i left a good business *hair stylist and make-up artist*.
i haven't worked in about 2 years.
Tink, get rid of the guilt. They are only jealous. They would all love to stay home. If you have enough for what you need in life and pay your bills, you have enough. If that makes you happy, then so be it...........enjoy.
I know you said that you were burnt out on hair dressing but you must have really liked it or you wouldn't do it. Maybe you could use that know how differently. I don't know if there are any kind of rules about it but maybe you could go to elderly peoples homes and do hair. I had an old lady friend who was 104 when she died last year. She got her hair washed & set every 2 weeks. It was so hard for her to get out but she just had to have her hair done. You could set your own schedule, do your own thing. As little or as much as you want. Maybe a couple manicures. Old people always need thier toe nails cut. See what I'm trying to say? You would be doing a great service. Just a thought.
Xandria, I feel your pain. Two times getting burned really stick out in my mind. Very dumb, both times. The one time I was camping and was first up, so I got the fire going real nice and was tidying up the pit abit making coffee for everyone. One rock just was'nt sitting right so dummy here just bent down and picked it up to move it. PAIN, PAIN, PAIN.
The next time was even dumber. I had made some hard boiled eggs. Took one out of the fridge and stuck it in the micro wave to take the chill off, just about 20 seconds. Peeled it and bite into what felt like a bomb going off on my face. It exploded and all the steam came out on my upper lip and nose. It took a second for my brain to figure out what had happened. My whole upper lip was one big blister. Lesson.............NEVER micro wave a whole egg. Do you feel a little less dumb now?
oh, i am so happy.
my stomach has been in knots the past 2 days.. i received a stern warning from hr - i'm outta there if anything like what happened happens again.
no worries, believe me it won't!!!!.
So happy that you can enjoy the evening and get a good nights sleep.
NOW BEHAVE YOURSELF. Sorry once a Mom always a Mom
deleted by been thereedited by - been there on 13 november 2002 4:6:12.
Thanks everyone, I didn't delete it. I didn't want to be giving a virus or worm to anyone.
Ballistic, sorry you are so over worked. Didn't mean to add to your exhaustion. We all are not wiz's on the computor such as yourself (consider it job security)
Sorry if I bothered anyone.
deleted by been thereedited by - been there on 13 november 2002 4:6:12.
Deleted by Been There
Edited by - Been There on 13 November 2002 4:6:12